Landasan Yuridis Tentang Pengesahan Perjanjian Mutual Legal Assistance antara Republik Indonesia dengan Konfederasi Swiss



The intensity of criminal acts committed across countries, with crimes and modus operandi that are difficult to identify. This raises problems require juridical countermeasures by engaging in intense cooperation between countries. study has the goal (1) tu find out exlain legal basis behind reciprocated aid Indonesia - Swiss, (2) about a form Mutual Legal Assitance Republic Confederacy Swiss. method research used was normative research, known law science as research. material this is primary secondary material. analysis technique descriptive describing an event thoroughly studied providing arguments on subject. Under International treaties, it regulation provides for Indonesian governments requesting or mutual assistance matters.(under article 2 act assistance) agreement Swiss explained treaty matters republic confederation.

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عنوان ژورنال: Kamboti

سال: 2021

ISSN: ['2746-4768', '2746-475X']